A Primer for HEAP, HHAP Round 1, and HHAP Round 2

As you might remember, the California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council (CHCF) issued its first serious funding for Homeless housing in February of 2019.  It was called HEAP, involved $500 million in funding, and Sonoma conducted a NOFA process which resulted in a variety of awards for shelters, outreach, rapid re-housing, and permanent supportive housing.  The State required that 50% of the funds be "contractually obligated” by January 1st of 2020, and the entire amount be expended by June 30 2021 (we tried to spend it all by a year earlier)

Here is what the CHFC published about it. https://www.bcsh.ca.gov/hcfc/documents/hcfc_heap_powerpoint.pdf

In November of 2019, the California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council held a webinar, and published a reporting guide for the submission of an annual report on the funds (https://www.bcsh.ca.gov/hcfc/documents/heap_reporting_requirements.pdf).  

Here are the reports of all CoCs which were submitted by January 1, 2020 covering the period from September 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019.

In April of 2020, the CHFC (working with Sacramento State University researchers) published an Initial Assessment on HEAP.  

HHAP-1 (Round 1)
In response to AB101, an additional $650 million became available (HHAP-1) on December 6, 2019, and has followed similar allocation and reporting rules.  Here is a powerpoint presentation on the CHFC website which describes both HEAP and HHAP-1.  Beginning on page 27, it lists the rules and chronology of HHAP-1 funding.

HHAP-2 (Round 2) - This is the application that is due on January 23rd
In response to AB 83, an additional $300 million was made available on November 13, 2020.  

All of this information is available on the website of the California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council.

The point of all of these links and background information is to point out that we are in separate funding cycles for three different pots of state money.  The first one (HEAP) is about to reach its final spending deadline (June 30, 2021).  Because we advanced by a year our own spending rate for HEAP, we stopped using those funds by June 30, 2020. We don’t owe the State a final HEAP report until the end of this coming June.  It would be helpful for the CoC to see whatever report has been prepared or submitted early.  The CHFC website will begin to publish all CoC reports for HEAP this fall.

The reporting and spending processes for HHAP-1 and HHAP-2 are following HEAP.  As you can see from the HHAPProgram Guidance, HHAP-1 reports by CoCs to the state began earlier this month (January 1, 2021), and are due on that date for the next five years.

The reporting and spending guidance and report information for HHAP-2 is the most recently published.  Applications are being prepared and approved locally by CoCs at this moment.  But the applications are very different and much more interested in collaboration and planning information.  Take a look at the template issued a few months ago.  Preparation of the application seems to require a very thorough examination of the needs remaining from the work of HEAP and HHAP-1, as well was a new regional’s collaboration requirement insisted on by the Legislature, California Supervisors Association of California, the the California League of Cities.

 For more posts containing information on California's Homeless Systems Continuums of Care, click here


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